Dec 26, 2010

Christmas Exchanging

Aren't these so cute.  Margaret in New Zealand was my partner for the exchange.  These are red crochet, which has been stiffened so that they stand up.  So cute.  She sent along a bag of Christmas candies (which are difficult to see in the right hand corner of this picture)  And then she also sent me

[As you can see, I'm having great difficulty with photos and Google tonight.]  So you will have to turn the screen a bit sideways to see N O E L on my little tree.  But my photographic skills are not a reflection of Margaret's wonderful work.  Thanks, Margaret, I love them.

Dec 25, 2010


This lovely little bag I received from Caroline with a notebook,so I can't forget the importent things in live.I become older,not wiser.Thanks a lot,Caroline.
Ladies,a Happy Christmas and a Stitchy New Year.

Dec 12, 2010

X-mas Exchange

Look what Marne sent me for the X-mas exchange. And yes, she allowed me to open the present before X-mas so I can use this lovely tablerunner on my table, and that's where it is now. And look how special it is. Handquilting by Marne ; ).

Thanks Marne I love your X-mas present.

Dec 11, 2010

The post man has brought me a package from Simone

Sorry no photographs (my Christmas tree is not up yet) but the package has arrived safely,
Many thanks Simone.
Merry Christmas to all of you.

Dec 9, 2010

Christmas exchange

What a lovely surprise today from the post lady,

Thank you, Margaret.  I have the parcel under my tree.  Very exciting.  Just over 2 weeks away.  Ho Ho Ho.

Dec 8, 2010

From Jacqueline

I always forgot to post a picture, but I got a wonderful birthdaypresent fom Jacqueline....

Dec 6, 2010

We are not very busy with postings

I just looked at how long it has been since we posted here.  So to get you all in the spirit of the holidays, here is our little tree.  It is an artificial tree, as we go to my daughter's for the actual holiday, but it nice to have this little one at home,
Happy Holidays to you all.